Sunday, August 5, 2012

Silent Majority - It's Our Turn To Vote!

NEW REVISION: 10/15/2013
Well another election is coming soon- time to change things. The peckerwoods in DC have finally done it. I'm voting against my incumbent in Congress. I can't wait to do the same for Senators Warner and Kaine at the next election You see, the powers in Congress, Democrats and Republicans, ignore what needs to be done to right this sinking ship and are interested only in feathering their nests!. Let them go back to their home state and make an honest living for a few years. The most dangerous members are the ones with the most seniority. Here in Virginia, our senators have little seniority but can freely trade their votes for  paybacks later. In other states with more senior members, you, the local citizens can get the job done. Those half-wits in DC, including our Pied Piper President and Congress, have no sense of what's going on in the real world. As long as they get their exorbitant perks, they could care less for us as taxpayers.

Let's deliver a message. Less than half of us pay taxes. The days of a free ride on the weary backs of a few citizens is over!

Everyone should pay some taxes, especially those with their hands out - the TAKERS!  If you are naive enough to believe the present administration is going to help you - "the middle class," you should read the fine print. Remember Robin Hood's mantra, "Take from the rich and give to the poor." The only ones left with savings or a modest estate, (us), will be the donors. Guess who's going to end up with our life savings? In addition, we will be so fortunate to have most people of little or no ambition sitting at home feasting on welfare, figuring out how to get the more off our back. Don't get me wrong, the true needy should get help-as needed.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Green Revolution or False Hopes ?

The Wall Street Journal is an excellent source for news. Solar and wind energy are inefficient, expensive, and a waste of money. I see no evidence that either are efficient, by any stretch of the imagination. Instead they are "dreamchildren" of enviromentalists who hope to replace coal and oil. Only nuclear power is more efficient. I define EFFICIENCY as more return for dollars spent. Solar panel production as well as covering our land and seascape with windmills is a pure waste. Where are the professional scientists who will step up to the plate and vanquish this hoax?

Natural gas is a plentiful, cleaner burning, much more efficient source for energy production. Am I the only voice crying in the wilderness? My scientific skills are limited, but my common sense has provided me with the tools to read, examine, research, and come to conclusions that seem accurate.

A suggestion-let's pick one member of our U. S. Congress in each state to defeat along with the current resident of the WH. The silent majority has been silent far too long. Like others, let's block vote and make some changes. Stand tall,or this may be the last Greatess Generation of our wonderful country. God Bless America is not politically incorrect as some toads would insist.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

I was almost a Valentine! Born Feb. 15, 1936

I had hoped to remove an old post or two, but still feel strongly about them. I think they'll stand the test of time. Still read plenty-even bought a Nook to take to my regular visits to doctors' offices. Most every week I go in for tune up or two: family doctor, chiropractor, dentist, massage, hearing aid lab or for an occasional x-ray. Still feel OK, able to get around. Moving across rough ground, I'm a little wobbly. Nowadays a foot race lasts abound five steps and to an observer- it's hilarous! Had cataracts removed, lens replaced- no glasses now. Just have to remember to wear safety glasses when I go out to my shop to putter. My pistol shooting is shakey, but at five steps I can surely nail a bad guy. I have pretty much given up hunting. I have some vertigo and can't find anyone to hunt with me when I'm carrying a loaded shotgun! Still lots of fun shooting my 22's at targets and tin cans. I daily count my blessings having wife Emilie as my lifetime partner. Over fifty years together and we're still civil to each other. I learned long ago who wears the pants in our family. It's scarey sometimes the way she looks at me like she can read my mind. At these times must concentrate on trees, clouds, and other things instead of unnamed items.It's trying to snow outside now-been a mild winter, but cold enough to break the bank on heating oil bills. Remember, "EVERY DAY IS A GIFT!"

I hope you have enjoyed my blogs and if you wish e-mail me