Monday, January 25, 2016

Neither Fish nor Feather

Presently I am neither Democrat nor Republican. Probably closer to Libertarian. It grates on me that the major parties seem to be headless, wearing blinders to outside ideas. Of course in a good picture or column in the local newspaper, our leaders manages to preen, ruffle their feathers and assure us "they" have all the answers. There are still some died-in-the-wool party members, like one of my relatives to went to NYC on election day to see a prize fight instead of voting. Unfortunately he had to stand to allow someone to pass to their seat- at that instant the winning knockout was landed and when he looked up the looser was on the mat.

Greetings! The Manquin Cowboy is Back

Deep snow. New topic-who are we going to put in the White House next year. Once again the team I was cheering for, the Republicans, have shot themslves in the foot. This seems to be a common practice. Here in Virginia some of the best brains in our legislature are hugging the Tea Party, while the moderates limp along trying to pull a rabbit out of a hat and win the toss. The Tea Party has some good points, older more conservative ideas, which bear our attention. Their gaudy yellow signs and in some cases local units run by fellows with no give. Like cutting back on school budgets without proper knowledge. Most state and local hirings that bloat any budget, including schools are the hiring of another level of administrators.

That's a sore subject with me-another level of bureaucracy. Another vote for the party in power.  Government can reduce budgets, but firing a position/person is taboo.

We've largely a new Board of Supervisors here in King William County, Virginia. About 20 miles NE of Richmond, still outside the Richmond metro area, but growing fast. We now have a Food Lion that could use some competition, and a full service drug store type. Our road traffic is now heavier. Born into a rural county some 80 years ago, our home on US Rt 360  now requires we wait, to drive out into traffic.   Lots of new faces over the last 8-10 years. Good folks-especially those who see a need and step up to the plate to rebuild some organizations that have we natives have left to languished. 

Back to the elections. The man that's turned so many heads, Mr. Trump  has raised some good questions, put some fire into the Republican Party, bruised lots of "old" ideas and sent potential front runners packing. I would vote for him first and Bernie second. Not Hillary. Some say Bernie's mantra is Socialist. If true and he's true to form - NITC! (Not in This Country).

Thanks for your patience, I apologize to you kind folks who wrote and I appreciate constructive criticisms.Until we meet again & soon. WGT  1/24/16