Monday, September 6, 2010


This is a small paperback, about my life. Born in 1936, growing up during WW II on a farm here in Virginia, my time on this earth has been challenging, exciting and full of wonderful experiences. My college English(composition) teacher must be turning over in her grave, I was a "C" student - I have managed to write and communicate in an uncomplicated way.

The book i$17.50 total, if mailed. My address: W. Guy Townsend 661 Richmond Tapp Hwy Manquin, VA 23106. E-mail:


I am open to suggestions. My skin is thick enough to take criticism-good and bad! But please, think about what great things lie ahead for our next generations. Offer positive thoughts. Goodness knows negative inputs help no one. My e-mail:

God Blest America!

Our wonderful country was created with ambition and a a strong spiritual philosophy. The first arrivals to our shores were not wimps. They faced huge obstacles, they labored and succeeded in creating the strongest country in the world. They were individuals, not hamstrung by "polictical correctness." The spirit is still with us. I'm biased toward rural and small town thinking where plenty of "common sense" still survives. We must not lose this momentum. Dumbing down high school and college coursework serves no good purpose. When a student "graduates" to the real work, disappointment should not greet them. Teaching to tests is ridiculous. Teach the course work in English, math, science, and history. Insist on hardwork, discipline and satisfaction will bring success. We have much to be thankful for, so many wonderful positive things are in our future. The opportunities are there - we just need to take 'em!